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Zomblers is jumping into the new year with a fresh mindset and looking to get into the rhythm of things, as things stand we are currently looking to acquire new staff and teams into the community.

Our Global Offensive roster will be starting ESEA-Main season 44 in the following weeks, stay tuned for our new series (Play of the Week) and the future broadcasts on our Twitch shoutcasted by our partners at LCA Broadcasting.

We are in the process of creating a gaming podcast that will be talking about all kinds of different topics from esports, game development, to future tournaments and so on.

Preview: Best Damn Gaming Podcast

If you are apart of a team in the following games:

  • DOTA

We would be interested in bringing on one of these games to the Zomblers Community. Please get in contact with us via email at or send us a direct message on Twitter.

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